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Thought Leadership

Colorado's New Limits on Restrictive Covenants: What Employers Should Know about Non-Competes, Non-Solicits, and Confidentiality Agreements

June 28, 2022
1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. CT

Colorado recently enacted substantial new limits on restrictive covenants with employees and independent contractors. While never approaching California’s near-complete ban, Colorado was already among the most restrictive states for enforcing covenants that limited employees’ ability to compete and solicit customers after their employment ends. Colorado’s new law has limited these restrictions even further, introducing new penalties and notice provisions that will catch many employers by surprise. This webinar will discuss the new restrictions, identify the areas that remain unclear, and provide practical advice for employers to ensure their restrictive covenant agreements remain enforceable.

Ashley W. Jordaan, Partner
Christopher L. Ottele, Partner

Who Should Attend
C-Suite, in-house counsel, and HR professionals.

Continuing Education Credit
This program is pending approval for Colorado, Kansas, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska, Tennessee, Texas and Wisconsin continuing legal education credit.

Questions? Contact Emily Shaw at 414.978.5785.
