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Capabilities / California Consumer Privacy Act

California Consumer Privacy Act

Helping clients understand and comply.

The California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA) took effect on January 1, 2020, and is notable both because it provides California residents with significant privacy-related rights and because it requires covered entities to undertake significant compliance efforts. The California Attorney General’s office is charged with enforcing the CCPA’s privacy-related rights and is authorized to seek statutory damages for violations. Private litigants are authorized to seek statutory damages for data breaches caused by a business’s failure to implement and maintain reasonable security procedures and practices.

Husch Blackwell’s privacy and data security team regularly helps clients understand and comply with the CCPA and frequently writes about privacy developments on our Byte Back blog. Our attorneys counsel clients with determining whether the CCPA applies to their business. We also advise clients on the CCPA’s requirements for providing specific consumer disclosures, its opt-out provision, and responding to verifiable requests from consumers to delete their personal information or to provide the specific pieces of personal information the business has collected on the consumer for the 12-month period prior to the request.

Delivering efficient solutions:

Online Privacy Notices

Our team drafts and reviews online privacy notices to comply with U.S. and international disclosure obligations.

Third-party Agreements

We review third-party agreements to ensure compliance with federal, state, and international privacy laws. 

Verifiable Requests

We work with clients to develop and implement policies, procedures, and workflows to handle verifiable requests.

Information Security Policies

Our team works with clients to draft various data-related policies regarding data classification, third-party vendor management, document retention, BYOD, and incident response.

Blog | February 04, 2023
CPPA Board Approves CPRA Regulations
Media Mentions | February 23, 2022
Avast: 2022 Data Privacy Legislation Update