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Jessica is a senior paralegal with the Milwaukee Tax team with a strong background in real estate.

As a member of the Tax practice, she focuses on valuation and exemption issues affecting commercial property owners.

Before entering the legal field, she worked as a real estate broker in North Carolina, where she gained hands-on experience with property transactions, negotiations, and market dynamics. This background proved invaluable when she transitioned to the legal profession and focused in property tax, eminent domain, and real estate law. In this role, Jessica assisted attorneys by administering and managing the property tax assessment practice, conducting legal research, drafting documents, and preparing cases related to land acquisition, compensation disputes, and property valuation.

As a part of the eminent domain practice, she was responsible for the coordination and implementation of an annual Condemnation Symposium in co-sponsorship with the Appraisal Institute and Marquette Law School (now held for 19 years) for attorneys and appraisers from around the state.




  • Paralegal Certificate, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
  • NC Broker's License, Crew Academy of Real Estate
  • B.A., Buffalo State College
    • cum laude
    • English