Title IX investigators are responsible for investigating allegations of sexual misconduct on college and university campuses. At this time of heightened awareness and regulatory requirements, institutions of higher education must train their Title IX investigators to conduct thorough, fair, and professional investigations of sex and gender discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual violence, all in a manner consistent with applicable law and institutional policies.
We invite your Title IX investigation professionals to join Husch Blackwell’s Higher Education team for a full day of in-depth training focused on applicable laws governing institutional response to sexual misconduct, the components of an effective investigation, investigation techniques, and effective methods for documenting and adjudicating sexual misconduct complaints.
This course is taught by experienced higher education attorneys who advise clients on a daily basis with respect to addressing and investigating sexual misconduct. It will include both traditional presentations and interactive sessions and offer up-to-date information on responding to sexual misconduct in a manner that ensures compliance.
- The legal environment
-Title IX sexual misconduct basics and overview
-The Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization basics and overview
-The Clery Act
-Consequences of noncompliance
-Legislation and guidance issues on the horizon
- Title IX investigator responsibilities
- Policy best practices
- Consent
- Reporting
- Complainant and respondent rights, resources and responsibilities
- Special considerations in sexual assault/sexual violence situations
- Investigation best practices
- Adjudication/resolution
- Training and ongoing programming for your higher education community
Each attendee will receive
-Written presentation materials
-An investigation checklist
-Self-study scenarios
Date and Time
Thursday, April 16, 2015
8:30 a.m. – Continental Breakfast & Registration
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. – Program
Lunch will be provided
Missouri Southern State University
Billingsly Student Center
Connor Ballroom
3950 East Newman Road
Joplin, MO 64801
Who Should Attend
College and university Title IX investigators
Seminar Cost
$300 per attendee
(Full-day program, materials, continental breakfast and lunch provided)
Business casual
Registration is requested by April 6. Space is limited; please register early.
Contact Shana Hoy at 816.983.8809.