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Thought Leadership

ITC & PTC Status Overview

May 7, 2019
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Related Industry:

Energy & Natural Resources 

Related Services:

Solar Energy  Wind Energy 

Webinar Series: Meeting Texas’ Energy Needs as Renewable Energy Evolves and Grows

Please join Husch Blackwell and the Texas Renewable Energy Industries Alliance (TREIA) for a webinar series focused on topics that affect the Texas renewable energy industry.

The first installment of the 2019 series will be an overview of the current status and future of the Investment Tax Credit (ITC) and Production Tax Credit (PTC). Presenters from Husch Blackwell and OnPeak Power will discuss commercial application and roles of the solar investment tax credit and wind production tax credit in financing and project development. In addition, they will cover the expected future of wind and solar development as credits are reduced or expired, the current legal status of wind and solar credits, and the legal eligibility for these credits.

This webinar introduces topics that will be featured at the 2019 GridNEXT Conference, to be held June 26-27, 2019 in San Antonio.

Ian Davis, Vice President, OnPeak Power
Jason Reschly, Partner, Husch Blackwell

Chris Reeder, Partner, Husch Blackwell

Who Should Attend
Renewable developers, solar service providers, public officials, investors, lenders, general counsel, private equity companies, environmental entities, and other development consultants and service providers.

Continuing Education Credit
This program is pending approval for Texas continuing legal education credit.

Questions? Contact Morgan Buciumean at 303.749.7281 or Julie Beggs 512.653.5808.


Chris Reeder
